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Welcome 歡迎

Dear friends and family,

God has been faithful and protecting us through the pandemic. Since April 2020, we've been meeting on Zoom every Monday evening for fellowship and bible studies. Since April 2021, some of you have started to join with us for prayer every week to seek God's heart. Praise the Lord, we've been able to resume meeting in person every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month since June 2021. 

If you have any need or wish to find out more about our meetings, please feel free to contact us.

Love in Christ,

Core Team: Sister Yuk and Annie

(Advisors: Revd Tai Ming Pang, Philip Wong, Garry & Tella) 



神是信實的,一直在困難的情況下保護我們。 2020年4月以來,我們每週一晚上都在 Zoom上聚會,進行團契和查經。 2021年4月開始,每週我們一起禱告,尋求神的心意。 感謝主,自2021年6月以來,我們恢復每月第2和第4星期日實體崇拜。





玉姐, 安妮


(顧問: 彭大明牧師, 黃國輝宣教士, Garry & Tella)

Let's Pray 讓我們一起用禱告勉勵:

(2 Chronicles 歷代志下 7:14)

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Worthng Chinese Christian Fellowship
和亭華人基督徒團契 (WCCF), 
Queen Street Church, Queen Street, 
Worthing, West Sussex, 

BN14 7BJ, England
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